Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Grief as a gift

I borrowed this from another website and of course now I've lost the page, so I can't give credit where it is due. It was just an interesting thought. I've wondered why grief is such a large part of my life. When I read that grief was a purification of sorts, it rang true for me. Perhaps there is some power to it and it is not just wasted energy.

"Unlike anger, grief does not desire destruction. Unlike despair, it does not rob us of our hope. Grief simply tells us what is, at the present moment. Grief, like joy, allows us to be purified through our tears. Grief frees us and gives us power because it reminds us to ask what it is we truly desire.

This is one of the gifts given to HSPs (highly sensitive persons), those who experience emotions in a more intense way than other people. .....HSP can be viewed as a curse in view of the person’s difficulty in being susceptible to extreme emotions. However, this tendency is indeed a gift as well, if the person can steer his emotions into the purest forms of emotional power that can propel her to her heart’s desires"

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